When is the last time that you have told God good morning! It’s a simple reminder that the Lord is truly good, and no matter the circumstances He is good. You may have stayed up all night studying or on rounds, but the next morning is a new day. With each new day comes a new breath of God’s glory and life into your life. It is amazing the Lord can do. We can give thanks to God because He chooses to be near to us. He sent Jesus as a ransom for our sins so that we can be in fellowship with Him, and God desires our fellowship. He is the one thing, if nothing else, that we can look forward to waking up to! He is our creator and our lover and our Lord. It is amazing what all God is to us… He is our everything. If your life seems crazy this week He says in Ps 75:3 (NLT) “when the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm”. God is able to keep our foundations firm. He is the solid rock in turmoil. If you need a friend this week He says “ I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5)He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. If you need vision His word “is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path”(Psalms 119:105). What a wonderful gift God has given us by being able to say Good morning to Him!
Challenges for the week:
This week start each morning by asking yourself a question…
What do you normally say good morning to? Have you said thank you to God this morning? What do you have to be thankful to God for? What part of God’s character do you need Him to be today: a friend, a comforter?
Find some scriptures that show God's character to you such as those above. Memorize them to remind yourself of some of God's attributes. Ask God to walk with you through each day.