Monday, November 29, 2010

November 30, 2010

 Daily Verse
Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Psalms 119:105

Daily Devotional
"Nominal Christianity"- inspired by Dr. Lightfoot

How many times have I been guilty of being a Christian that stands on the sidelines? This is a question we must ask daily. 

I lived that life. I knew Jesus, and I knew Him as savior, but I did not know Him as Lord. I lived for me. I dabbled in Christianity when it was convenient. I went to bible study and I went to church, but it was horrible.  There was no life in going through the motions. Then in 1997, God shook my world upside down. He was beckoning to me to “ take up my cross and follow Him” and become a servant.

Hearing these words, will often feel like a knife in our very soul. Life and society will encourage the pursuit of things to please ourselves. There will be many situations where we will be challenged and be alone in our stand for Christ. Yet, in these times we must remember, this is the same path our Lord walked.  He did not walk an easy road, but He paved the way so that we could follow Him. 

Our goal and call in life should be to know God more and to become more like Him each day.   How different our lives would be if we choose to follow his example, listen to his voice, and step off the sidelines of nominal Christianity?

Dear Lord,
Help me to follow You and to hear Your voice. Encourage me when I am walking the road you walked. Please help me to step off the sidelines and become a servant and to know you in a new way today.

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