Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 8, 2010

Daily Verse
Dear friends, build up each other in your most Holy Faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jude 1:20

Daily Devotion
"Vision" Shelia Walsh
One verse buried in the Acts of the Apostles refers to King David, who "served God's purpose in his own generation." Christ, too, was so clear in the purpose of His life. His mission statement was well defined. Do you know why we are here, what we have been made for, our purpose? Sometimes we live out what other people percieve as our vision and calling and never discover for ourselves what that really is. Sometimes we are afraid to reach out and life the life that we believe we are called to. But fear is no friend. It may seem to protect but it slowly suffocates.

Someone recently asked if I could state in a sentence what my life is all about. I replied, " The purpose of my life is to learn to love God more and to communicate that love and grace to others." That is why I am on the planet. When you know what your mission statement is, life is so much easier; you become free to line up your activities, relationships, and goals with stated intent. What is your place in the kingdom of God? If I were to ask you to give me a sentence that encapsulated your vision for your life, what would it be? David discovered his purpose and fulfilled it in his generation, and so must we.

Prayer for today
If you do not know your purpose spend time talking to God about your purpose.

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