Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8, 2011

The beginning of 20 days of challenge!
Psalm 1

Few other passages in the Bible describe what is takes to walk with the Lord so explicitly. In Psalm chapter 1 David  begins with an observation of who is blessed.
He says; Blessed is the man who, walks not in the council of the ungodly ,Nor stands around with sinners ,or joins in with mockers.
 What does each of these mean to you? Do you have any of these influences in your life?

He also gives us what will happen if we don’t follow the Lord.  We will be like chaff which the wind blows away. In our society, chaff is a foreign concept. When threshing wheat or rice there is a part that is inedible.  This part is called chaff. It is lighter in weight and is removed by tossing and shaking.  If we do not walk with the Lord we will not be able to stand and when it comes time to be judged the ungodly will not be there.  There are areas of chaff in our lives that need to be removed because we are not perfect, but if we are in Christ the shaking to remove the chaff from our own lives. What are some areas of chaff in your life? Are there some people who are chaff in your life?

David Also gives us the benefits of walking with the Lord.  To walk with god our delight should be in His law. We should meditate on it day and night.  What does the portion about being a tree planted by the rivers of water mean to you?

David includes a reminder and a challenge to us at the end. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. God knows our path. He also knows the way of the ungodly. Do you often act like your path is in your own hands or do you realize that it is in God’s? He knows where you walk, and is your path a path that will lead you to destruction?

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