Daily Verse
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
Daily Devotional
-When things go wrong- Life Coach
There are times when the disciple of Christ must experience excruciating pain without any ability to understand why. Job, in a state of spiritual vertigo, argues that an impartial judge observing how God treated him would tilt the balance of justice in favor of Job. For the sake of argument, however, let us suppose that God did explain "why" to Job, narrating the conversation between God and Satan. Job could have responded in one of two ways: First, he could say, "Oh, now I understand. I now consent to the pain inflicted upon me," in which case nothing changes except Job's curiosity is satisfied. Second, he could say, "I resent being so used to make Your point. I thought I was Your friend and Satan Your enemy. I cannot agree to what You are doing!"
To this latter response God could counter in one of two ways: First, he could say, "I am sorry Job, you are correct. I don't know what I was thinking of. I will stop the pain and make you a promise that never again will I allow anything of a hurtful nature to enter your life without your approval," in which case God would cease being God. He would be nothing more than a genie in a bottle, called out on occasion to do Job's bidding. Second, God could say, "Who do you think you are challenging My authority? You fear the leviathan; why don't you fear the One who created the leviathan? Does not the creator have the right to do what He wants with His creatures?" This, in essence, is the answer God gave Job in chapters 38-41.
Seemingly senseless pain and trauma engulfs much of life. If you seek to follow Him, you must be content to trust His character rather than your ability to understand. The difference between a knife in the hand of an assassin and a surgeon is intent. Both inflict severe pain. You must decide whether God is an assassin or a surgeon. But remember, your choice does not change God, only your opinion. All the risk of making the wrong choice is on you.
For today:
Ask God to help you to see things as He sees them.
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