Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011

Daily Verse
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
   in the morning I lay my requests before you
   and wait expectantly.
Psalms 5:3
Daily Devotional
Practical Practices

With each new year comes new challenges and as medical students we are always challenged to spend time with God. However, with our hectic schedules and tired minds and bodies make spending time with God a lost cause. Even if we discipline ourselves to have a scheduled time with God sometimes that time gets lost in the shuffle. Here are some practical tips for getting closer to God.

Become a doer of the word- Taking one verse and applying it to your life each day is  better than knowing or reading the whole Bible and not living any of it.

Pray without ceasing- sometimes morning prayer gets cut short due to fatigue. In these moments you can keep close to God by praying without ceasing. Use your time driving to school or to the hospital as a time of prayer. Use your time driving home as a time of meditation

Guard your ears- what you listen to can affect your day. Choose to fill your mind with uplifting worship

Forsake not the assembly of the brethren- schedule in time to go to church or Bible study to build yourself up and  build others up.

Make the most of every opportunity- When there is a break given to you sneak away with God. Take a verse to meditate on and look at it every chance you get. When you have a free moment, or a moment to take a break, instead of pushing the Bible aside for some tv. Spend time in God’s word.

Above all else: Ask God to help you in creative ways to spend time with Him.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord, please help me to put some new habits into practice this year. Help me to learn how to become close to you in whatever state I am. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. If there is anything that you do in particular to strengthen your relationship with God add a comment to the list!
