Friday, December 24, 2010

December 25, 2010

Daily Verse
 “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

Isaiah 7:14

Daily Devotion
- Let us go to Bethlehem- Charles Spurgeon
Let us today go down to Bethlehem, and in company with wondering shepherds and adoring Magi, let us see him who was born King of the Jews, for we by faith can claim an interest in him, and can sing, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” Jesus is Jehovah incarnate, our Lord and our God, and yet our brother and friend; let us adore and admire. Let us notice at the very first glance his miraculous conception. It was a thing unheard of before, and unparalleled since, that a virgin should conceive and bear a Son. The first promise ran thus, “The seed of the woman,” not the offspring of the man. Since venturous woman led the way in the sin which brought forth Paradise lost, she, and she alone, ushers in the Regainer of Paradise. Our Saviour, although truly man, was as to his human nature the Holy One of God. Let us reverently bow before the holy Child whose innocence restores to manhood its ancient glory; and let us pray that he may be formed in us, the hope of glory. Fail not to note his humble parentage. His mother has been described simply as “a virgin,” not a princess, or prophetess, nor a matron of large estate. True the blood of kings ran in her veins; nor was her mind a weak and untaught one, for she could sing most sweetly a song of praise; but yet how humble her position, how poor the man to whom she stood affianced, and how miserable the accommodation afforded to the new-born King!
Immanuel, God with us in our nature, in our sorrow, in our lifework, in our punishment, in our grave, and now with us, or rather we with him, in resurrection, ascension, triumph, and Second Advent splendour.

Prayer for today:
Lets thank God for everything He has done this year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 24, 2010

Daily Verse
 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.
John 1:1

Daily Devotion
God's Cure- C.P. Hia
As physicians we may call our patients and urge them, “Please come in as soon as you can. I have something to discuss with you.” Sometimes we will have bad news! Our patients first response might be, “No, I don’t want to know.” But we tell them anyway because it is only when they know the diagnosis that they can know the cure.

God, our Great Physician, also has some bad news—about man’s spiritual condition. When against His expressed warning Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God told Adam that all mankind would die spiritually and physically. That’s the bad news.

But He also gave the solution. He promised a Savior (Gen 3:15). The apostle John tells us, “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). But how does that help? Jesus came that first Christmas to bring God’s grace, something that none of us deserve because like Adam we have all sinned. But Jesus also came to reverse what sin brought. He came to be the truth (John 14:6) that would bring us back to God. He came to “save His people from their sins” (Matt 1:21).
Listen to what the Great Physician has to say in the Bible about your spiritual condition. Then accept the cure He has provided—the gift of salvation through Christ.

Life is uncertain,
Death is sure;
Sin the cause,
Christ the cure. —Anon.

Prayer for today
Ask God today to cure you in the areas needed. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 23, 2010

Daily Verse
Let it be to me according to your word.
Luke 1:8
Daily Devotion
 " A Short Christmas Prayer"- Dr. David Jeremiah
Last year a prescious five year old Noah  Scott Biorkman,was battling with cancer. When asked what would encourage him, he said he would love to get some Christmas cards. Thought it was too early for Christmas, his illness was advancing and he longed to get some cards in the mail. The plea went out and the out pouring was remarkable. Noah received over a million cards. 

Holidays hold their share of sadness. Sometimes our fears run away with us and our melancholy emotions trouble us. The Lord has sent us 31,000 verses, more than 1000 chapters and about 800,000 words in His Book. He has filled our Bible’s with His promises, and every promise is a token of His love. There’s a promise in the Bible for every gloomy thought, for every negative emotion and for every salty tear.

The virgin Mary had her share of fears, but in the end she rested in God’s promise and offered a short Christmas prayer; “ Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). That’s a good prayer to echo; a good definition of faith

Prayer today:
Ask God to help you increase your faith. Talk to Him about your joys, fears, and sadness in this coming Holiday season.  He is truly faithful. He has written thousands of words of encouragement for you in every situation.

December 22, 2010

Daily Verse
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” - Luke 2:10-11

Daily Devotion
Know Who to Connect- Joyce Myer
To conquer negative thoughts and cultivate positive ones, you and I must stay in touch with God- One who sees the big picture of our lives and who orchestrates everything that involve us. He makes sure everything that needs to happen in out lives happens at the right time, moves at the appropriate speed, and causes us to arrive safely at the destinations He has planned for us.

If we want to stay on track with God, we have to make communication with Him a priority in our daily schedule. He'll help you through the "cloudy days when you can't tell where you should be. I can't urge you strongly enough to communicate with Him frequently through prayer reading His word, worship, and simply acknowledging His presence and guidance throughout everyday.
Prayer for today:
Today talk to God about everything you experience today. Continue through the week and see how your week changes.

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 21, 2010

Daily Verse
And I, if I am lifted up . . . will draw all peoples to Myself 
John 12:32

Daily Devotion
"The Right Kind of Help" Oswald Chambers
Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus Christ died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is an absurdity and there is absolutely no need for it. What the world needs is not “a little bit of love,” but major surgery.
When you find yourself face to face with a person who is spiritually lost, remind yourself of Jesus Christ on the cross. If that person can get to God in any other way, then the Cross of Christ is unnecessary. If you think you are helping lost people with your sympathy and understanding, you are a traitor to Jesus Christ. You must have a right-standing relationship with Him yourself, and pour your life out in helping others in His way— not in a human way that ignores God. The theme of the world’s religion today is to serve in a pleasant, non-confrontational manner.

But our only priority must be to present Jesus Christ crucified— to lift Him up all the time (1 Corinthians 2:2) . Every belief that is not firmly rooted in the Cross of Christ will lead people astray. If the worker himself believes in Jesus Christ and is trusting in the reality of redemption, his words will be compelling to others. What is extremely important is for the worker’s simple relationship with Jesus Christ to be strong and growing. His usefulness to God depends on that, and that alone.
The calling of a New Testament worker is to expose sin and to reveal Jesus Christ as Savior. Consequently, he cannot always be charming and friendly, but must be willing to be stern to accomplish major surgery. We are sent by God to lift up Jesus Christ, not to give wonderfully beautiful speeches. We must be willing to examine others as deeply as God has examined us. We must also be sharply intent on sensing those Scripture passages that will drive the truth home, and then not be afraid to apply them.

Prayer for today:
Ask God to give you strength in representing Him. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 17, 2010

Weekend Verse
The Lord is slow to anger and great in power; The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of His feet. 
Nahum 1:3

Weekend Devotional
What a Miracle - Our Daily Bread
Leonard Ravenhill (1907–1994), a British evangelist, once said, “The greatest miracle God can do today is take an unholy man out of an unholy world, make that man holy, then put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.” This seems to be what God did to Isaiah when He called him to speak to His people.
Around the time of the death of Uzziah, one of Judah’s more successful kings, Isaiah had a vision of God. The prophet saw Him as the true King of the universe, sitting on a lofty throne. In the vision, Isaiah saw seraphim worshiping God with a hymn that praised His holiness, majesty, and glory.
Isaiah’s vision of God led to a true vision of himself as unholy and broken before God. “Woe is me, for I am undone!” Isaiah said (6:5). This recognition of sin led him to a need for and the reception of God’s cleansing grace (v.7). Newly cleansed, Isaiah was commissioned to spread God’s message (v.9). The Lord sent Isaiah into an unholy world, not only to live a holy life but also to tell an unholy people about a holy God.
The Lord wants to show Himself to us, thus giving us a truer vision of ourselves, a deeper need for His grace, and a greater commitment to live and speak for Him. What a miracle!

Prayer for today:
Take what touched you in the passage today and talk to God about what in your life is unholy. Ask Him to continue to keep you Holy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 16, 2010

Daily Verse
See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.
Rev 3:8
Daily Devotion
It is amazing we often believe that our own gifts have opened a door for us. We may be intelligent and know the right people. Yet, in these times of self-confidence, doors are closed to us. These are the moments where we stand banging on a door that God has closed. We beg and plead for Him to open it, and think that behind that door is the key to all our hopes and dreams. It is in those moments that God is beckoning, " My beloved, see I have opened another door. Walk through it, into what I have in store for you." 

On the other hand, there have been times where failures and mistakes surely disqualify us from receiving anything good. In those moments we may not be the most intelligent or  have the right connections. However, God opens a door that we never could have imagined.  

God constantly reminds us that He is the giver of every opportunity. He is the one who opens and closes every door.  We must not let any falling or sense of failure keep us from walking through an open door. We must not let a closed door so captivate our attention that we miss one that is open. We must trust God in all things and reach for the dreams that He has given us. He knows the best route for us, for He is our door keeper.

Prayer for today:
Ask God to help you see the doors that He has opened and the ones He has shut. Ask Him to give you strength to walk through the doors He has opened for you.

December 15, 2010

Daily Verse
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in Him will I trust.
Psalm 91:2

Daily Devotion
"Trust and Fear Not" Amy Carmichael

Let us listen to simple words; our Lord speaks simply, " Trust Me, My child." He says, Trust Me with a humbler heart and a fuller abandon to My will than you ever did before. " Trust me to pour My love through you, as minute succeeds minute. And if you should be conscious of anything hindering the flow, do not hurt My love by going away from me in discouragement, for nothing can hurt love so much as that. 

Draw all the closer to me; come, flee to me to hide even from yourself. Tell me about your troubles.  Trust me to turn my hand towards you and remove the boulder that has chocked your riverbed, and take away all the sand that has silted the channel. I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken.  I will perfect everything concerning you. Fear not, O child of My love, fear not. 

"Love, what is love?
Love is what has inspired my life, and led me to My cross, and held me on My cross. 
Love is what will make it joy to lay down your life for your brothers and sisters."

Prayer for Today
Ask God to give you an outpouring of His love and ask Him to remove the burdens and to give you the strength to remove what may be keeping you from Him. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 14, 2010

Daily Verse 
"They go from strength to strength.”
Psalms 84:7 
Strength to Strength- By Charles Spurgeon
They go from strength to strength. There are various renderings of these words, but all of them contain the idea of progress.
Our own good translation of the authorized version is enough for us this morning. “They go from strength to strength.” That is, they grow stronger and stronger. Usually, if we are walking, we go from strength to weakness; we start fresh and in good order for our journey, but by-and-by the road is rough, and the sun is hot, we sit down by the wayside, and then again painfully pursue our weary way. 
 But the Christian pilgrim having obtained fresh supplies of grace, is as vigorous after years of toilsome travel and struggle as when he first set out. He may not be quite so elate and buoyant, nor perhaps quite so hot and hasty in his zeal as he once was, but he is much stronger in all that constitutes real power, and travels, if more slowly, far more surely. Some gray-haired veterans have been as firm in their grasp of truth, and as zealous in diffusing it, as they were in their younger days; but, alas, it must be confessed it is often otherwise, for the love of many waxes cold and iniquity abounds, but this is their own sin and not the fault of the promise which still holds good: “The youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” Fretful spirits sit down and trouble themselves about the future. “Alas!” say they, “we go from affliction to affliction.” Very true, O thou of little faith, but then thou goest from strength to strength also. Thou shalt never find a bundle of affliction which has not bound up in the midst of it sufficient grace. God will give the strength of ripe manhood with the burden allotted to full-grown shoulders.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord, help us to go from strength to strength. Help us to run and not be weary and walk and not faint! AMEN 

December 13, 2010

Daily Verse
"A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." Proverbs 25:28 

Daily Devotion
"Loss of Self Control" 
Rage is a terrible thing, for it deprives the individual of good judgment. Solomon warns that such a person is like a city void of defense; the enemy can easily take advantage of him. For the most part, people express such anger for their own cause, rarely for the cause of others. When our Lord Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the temple in anger, He did it because of zeal for His father's house, and He did not lose control. [443]
Most people go into a rage when opposed by either other people or circumstances. They are frustrated because of their inability to control events, and in the process lose control of their own emotions. When your anger consumes you to this extent, you are of no use either to yourself or to others.
"Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." [444] Even when you feel you have just cause for your anger, remember that God can better defend your cause than you: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." [445] Scripture assures you that with the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, you have no reason to lose control. [446] 

Prayer for today:  
Lord, please forgive me for the times I have lost my self control. Please show me what pushes me to lose it. Please help me be at peace in all circumstances. Amen. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Daily Verse
Can two walk together unless they agrea?
Amos 3:3

Daily Devotion  
Pleading God's Glory 
Life Coach 
Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say, "Spare thy people, O Lord, and make not thy heritage a reproach, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, `Where is their God?'" Joel 2:17
God encourages Judah to leverage Himself with the prayer, "Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?'" In essence Moses prayed the same thing: "Why should the Egyptians say, `with evil intent did he bring them forth, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth'? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people." [438] Looking at it from the other direction, Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." [439] And Paul indited the Jews: "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." [440] From both perspectives, the glory of God remains paramount.
From this you should note four things: First, God's reputation is His first consideration; His people must be careful not to give His detractors occasion to blaspheme. Second, God wants you to understand that, although He is gracious and generous, His own glory motivates Him. Third, God can and will accrue glory from judging those who claim to be His people as easily as when He judges the reprobate. Fourth, You are best served guarding His reputation and giving Him all glory. 

Prayer Today:
Ask Gd's Glory to come in your life today.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 9, 2010

Daily Verse
“Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you.”
Isaiah 30:18 

Daily Devotion
"Delayed Prayer" Charles Spurgeon
 God often delays in answering prayer. We have several instances of this in sacred Scripture. Jacob did not get the blessing from the angel until near the dawn of day—he had to wrestle all night for it. The poor woman of Syrophoenicia was answered not a word for a long while. Paul besought the Lord thrice that “the thorn in the flesh” might be taken from him, and he received no assurance that it should be taken away, but instead thereof a promise that God’s grace should be sufficient for him. If thou hast been knocking at the gate of mercy, and hast received no answer, shall I tell thee why the mighty Maker hath not opened the door and let thee in? Our Father has reasons peculiar to himself for thus keeping us waiting. Sometimes it is to show his power and his sovereignty, that men may know that Jehovah has a right to give or to withhold. More frequently the delay is for our profit. Thou art perhaps kept waiting in order that thy desires may be more fervent. God knows that delay will quicken and increase desire, and that if he keeps thee waiting thou wilt see thy necessity more clearly, and wilt seek more earnestly; and that thou wilt prize the mercy all the more for its long tarrying. There may also be something wrong in thee which has need to be removed, before the joy of the Lord is given. Perhaps thy views of the Gospel plan are confused, or thou mayest be placing some little reliance on thyself, instead of trusting simply and entirely to the Lord Jesus. Or, God makes thee tarry awhile that he may the more fully display the riches of his grace to thee at last. Thy prayers are all filed in heaven, and if not immediately answered they are certainly not forgotten, but in a little while shall be fulfilled to thy delight and satisfaction. Let not despair make thee silent, but continue instant in earnest supplication.

Prayer for Today: 
If you have been praying for God to move in an area of your life continue praying. Know that "the effective fervent prayers of the righteous man availeth much."  God is watching over you and is hoping to bring you closer to him. Always remember He has your best interest in mind. So ask Him today your continued request and thank Him for answered ones.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 8, 2010

Daily Verse
Dear friends, build up each other in your most Holy Faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jude 1:20

Daily Devotion
"Vision" Shelia Walsh
One verse buried in the Acts of the Apostles refers to King David, who "served God's purpose in his own generation." Christ, too, was so clear in the purpose of His life. His mission statement was well defined. Do you know why we are here, what we have been made for, our purpose? Sometimes we live out what other people percieve as our vision and calling and never discover for ourselves what that really is. Sometimes we are afraid to reach out and life the life that we believe we are called to. But fear is no friend. It may seem to protect but it slowly suffocates.

Someone recently asked if I could state in a sentence what my life is all about. I replied, " The purpose of my life is to learn to love God more and to communicate that love and grace to others." That is why I am on the planet. When you know what your mission statement is, life is so much easier; you become free to line up your activities, relationships, and goals with stated intent. What is your place in the kingdom of God? If I were to ask you to give me a sentence that encapsulated your vision for your life, what would it be? David discovered his purpose and fulfilled it in his generation, and so must we.

Prayer for today
If you do not know your purpose spend time talking to God about your purpose.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 7, 2010

Daily Verse
Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! 
Psalms 126:3
Daily Devotional
"Pray First, Plan Afterwards" inspired by Evelyn Chistenson

If we could learn to pray first and plan afterward, how different would be whatever we are doing for Christ. Maybe, just maybe, we are planning in one direction and God's will is in another direction.
Many times have our plans lead us down a path that we normally would not travel. Our lives became filled with worry, pain, and fear. God may have seemed distant or even absent. Yet, the moment we stopped to pray and changed our plans, we were reunited with a path of peace.

What if we are following God's will?
Even if we are plugged into God's will, we may be going at a snail's pace. God says, " Look, you see only a tenth of what i have for you. There are nine tenths that you're not seeing, that you don't know anything about." God has so much in store for our lives and gives us so many opportunities.

We often miss opportunities to give God praise for things in our daily lives such as: enjoying the sunrise when you have to wake up early on call or for your shift, or thanking God for the ability to take exams. We often miss opportunities to touch others around us, and be God's hands and feet.

God wants us to make ourselves available to Him. Then our omnipotent God will pour out His power on us. Instead of following our tiny, tiny plans, God wants to open heaven and flood us. It's exciting.
"Let's Pray first and Plan afterward"

Dear Lord,
Please forgive me for all the times that I have failed to pray before I planned. Help me to make myself available to You in all situations and circumstances. Help me to make the most of every opportunity. Amen

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 6, 2010

Weekly Verse
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls
Matthew 11:29
Daily Devotion
" The Life Defined" Hannah Whitall Smith

Most Christians are like a man who was toiling along the road, bending under heavy burden, when a wagon overtook him and the driver kindly offered to help him on his journey. He joyfully accepted the offer, but when seated in the wagon, continued to bend beneath his burden, which he still kept on his shoulders. "Why do you not lay down your burden?" asked the kind-hearted driver. " Oh!" replied the man, " I feel that it is almost too much to ask you to carry me, and I could not think if letting you carry my burden, too"

And so Christians, who have given themselves into the care and keeping of the Lord Jesus, still continue to bend beneath the weight of their burdens and often go weary and heavy-laden throughout the whole length if their journey.

When I speak of burdens, I mean everything that troubles us, whether spiritual or temporal.I mean, first of all, ourselves. Our own daily living, our frames and feelings, our especial weakness and temptations, our peculiar temperaments, our inward affairs of every kind- these are the things that perplex and worry us more than anything else and that bring us most frequently into bondage and darkness. In laying off your burdens, therefore, the first one you must get rid of is yourself.

Dear Lord,
Today, I choose to give you my burdens and my cares. As I take Your yolk upon me, ask You to be with me. Thank you for the promise that I will find rest for my soul. AMEN

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 4, 2010

Weekend Verse
The Lord mighty in battle.”
Psalm 24:8 
Weekend Devotional
"Mighty in Battle" Charles Spurgeon
Well may our God be glorious in the eyes of his people, seeing that he has wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. For them, the Lord Jesus upon Calvary routed every foe, breaking all the weapons of the enemy in pieces by his finished work of satisfactory obedience; by his triumphant resurrection and ascension he completely overturned the hopes of hell, leading captivity captive, making a show of our enemies openly, triumphing over them by his cross. Every arrow of guilt which Satan might have shot at us is broken, for who can lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? Vain are the sharp swords of infernal malice, and the perpetual battles of the serpent’s seed, for in the midst of the church the lame take the prey, and the feeblest warriors are crowned.

The saved may well adore their Lord for his conquests in them, since the arrows of their natural hatred are snapped, and the weapons of their rebellion broken. What victories has grace won in our evil hearts! How glorious is Jesus when the will is subdued, and sin dethroned! As for our remaining corruptions, they shall sustain an equally sure defeat, and every temptation, and doubt, and fear, shall be utterly destroyed. In the Salem of our peaceful hearts, the name of Jesus is great beyond compare: he has won our love, and he shall wear it. Even thus securely may we look for victories by us. We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. We shall cast down the powers of darkness which are in the world, by our faith, and zeal, and holiness; we shall win sinners to Jesus, we shall overturn false systems, we shall convert nations, for God is with us, and none shall stand before us. This evening let the Christian warrior chant the war song, and prepare for to-morrow’s fight. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 3, 2010

Daily Verse
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 
1 John 3:16

Daily Devotion
" Gathered in His Arms" Amy Carmichael

What must it have been like for the apostle John to hear the great voice, bold and clear as a trumpet, announcing these words? " I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last"( Rev. 1:11).
This is the New Testament echo of that glorious word in the Old Testament:
" The Lord will go before you, the God of Israel shall be your rear guard" (Isaiah 52:12)
              Alpha and Omega
              Forward and Rear guard
No wonder that over and over again in one form or another, the Lord says to us: " Fear not!" and " Do not let your heats be  troubled". 

He who begins, finishes. He who leads us on, follows behind to deal in love with our poor attempts. He gathers up the things that we have dropped- our fallen resolution, our mistakes. He makes His blessed pardon to flow over our sins till they are utterly washed away. He turns and fights the enemy, who would pursue after us, to destroy us from behind.
He is first, and He is last! 
And we are gathered up in between, as in great arms of loving kindness

Dear Lord,
Thank you for being my forward and rear guard.  Please continue to finish the work you have started. You are my first and last. Amen

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 2, 2010

Daily Verse
“Underneath are the everlasting arms.”
Deuteronomy 33:27 

Daily Devotion
"Everlasting Arms" Charles Spurgeon

God—the eternal God—is our support at all times, and especially when we are sinking in deep trouble. There are seasons when the Christian sinks very low in humiliation. Under a deep sense of his great sinfulness, he is humbled before God till he scarcely knows how to pray, because he appears, in his own sight, so worthless.

Well, child of God, remember that when you are at your worst and lowest, “underneath” you “are everlasting arms.” Sin and  may drag you ever so low, but Christ’s great atonement is still under all. You may have descended into the deeps, but you cannot have fallen so low as “the uttermost;” and to the uttermost he saves.

Again, the Christian sometimes sinks very deeply in trial from without. Every earthly prop is cut away. What then? Still underneath you are “the everlasting arms.” You cannot fall so deep in distress and affliction but that the covenant grace of an ever-faithful God will still encircle you. You may be sinking under trouble from within through fierce conflict, but even then you cannot be brought so low as to be beyond the reach of the “everlasting arms”—they are underneath you; and, this will sustain you and, all Satan’s efforts to harm will not avail.

This assurance of support is a comfort to any weary but earnest worker in the service of God. It implies a promise of strength for each day, grace for each need, and power for each duty. And, further, when death comes, the promise shall still hold good. When we stand in the midst of Jordan, we shall be able to say with David, “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.” We shall descend into the grave, but we shall go no lower, for the eternal arms prevent our further fall. All through life, and at its close, we shall be upheld by the “everlasting arms”—arms that neither flag nor lose their strength, for “the everlasting God fainteth not, neither is weary.”

Dear Lord,
Please be with me throughout this time when things are hectic and there is weight coming at me from all sides. Lord bear me up with your everlasting arms.