Monday, January 3, 2011

January 4, 2011

Daily Verse

But you, Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
Daily Devotion
Psalms 3:3

Daily Devotion
"Setting Goals for The Year"  by Cheryl Biehl

If you have flown on a commercial flight lately, you will notice the speech that the flight attendants recite just before take off. During their instruction they recite " In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will automatically be lowered. if you are sitting beside a child, please secure your mask first and then apply one to the child.

Why do they advise you to do that? They realize that unless you as the adult are getting the oxygen you need , you'll be of no help to the child, and you will both perish. Jesus, filled with absolute love and compassion, went to the mountains to spend time with His Father in Prayer, to renew His weary body and soul. When the crowd pressed around on Him, He suggested that they all get away from the crowd.

As doctors and medical students we need to make sure we are getting enough "oxygen" in out life to be of maximum benefit to those around us. It is not selfish to set goals allowing you to refill your cup. Even though rest may appear to interfere with studies or work it is imperative to recharge. An empty tea kettle will crack or melt under the heat, so you will also break as the heat of life is turned on - if your emotional or spiritual cup is dry.

Daily Prayer
Ask the Lord to help you to find a time to rest and peace for each day. Ask Him to help you cast your cares rest in Him.

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